The Bender House
The Bender House has historical significance in the Greenwood Mennonite Church History. Lester and Mary Lou Beachy owned the house which was first purchased by Lesters grandfather, Valentine Bender on January 1, 1914. Their plan was to raze the old house after they built their new one.
Providentially, a Val Bender reunion was being held in Greenwood in 1993 and a groundswell of interest to save the old building began to grow. Money was raised and a Bender steering committee was formed to explore a plan to save the old house.
The house was dismantled, secured and moved to the property of Millard and Lura Benner, (the original homestead of the Neven Bender family), where it was repaired and restored. It stands like a sentinel several hundred yards from road 36, at the edge of the woods where the little brown school house once stood. It beckons visitors with its simple grace to come and take a backward look in time.
While this house is important in the lives of many Mennonites in Delaware, the Board agrees that we do not want this important icon to crowd out the other significant places, events and people in Delawares unique history. Yet, this simple building, about to be destroyed, became the catalyst that helped bring about the birth of the Delaware Mennonite Historical Society.
DMHS, in keeping with its mission statement intends to provide a vibrant and accurate presentation of Mennonites in Delaware. At present this includes:
Mennonite Church
Greenwood 1914
Mennonite Church
Bridgeville 1976
Mennonite Church
Harrington 1953
Mennonite Church
Dover 1955
Mennonite Church
Greenwood 1935
Mennonite Church
Wilmington 1959-1972.
Maranatha Fellowship
Paul Bender
Amy Schlabach
Jesse Bontrager
Harvey Mast
Buildings and Grounds
Titus Schlabach
Truman Schrock
Millard Benner
Harold Huber
Vernon Zehr, Jr.